Thursday, May 13, 2010

Let's Get an Idea of What We Are Dealing With

Each of these three totes are at least half full of canned food. I mean asperagus, corn, creamed corn, spaghetti sauce, mushrooms and the list goes on.

Below is a shot looking into my hall pantry, or the blizzard pantry. The kitchen pantry (not pictured) is mostly everyday stuff.

Below is a shot of the hall pantry door. All those cans are soup, with maybe some chicken or beef broth mixed in.

1 comment:

  1. One use for canned soups is in the eternal Shepherd's Pie. My sister first suggested creamed corn; I've found that niblets are nice as well. Cream of mushroom , cream of chicken, and even once, cream of brocoli went into a Shepherd Pie. The latter become a favorite of Fred's though I prefer not such a strong presence of flavor among the comforts of this dish.
